Barron's Nursing School Entrance Exams, 4th Edition

Barron's Nursing School Entrance Exams, 4th Edition
Corinne Grimes R.N. Ph.D. (Author), Sandra S. Swick R.N. B.C. Ed.D. C.M.S.R.N. (Author), Rita R. Callahan R.N. BS.N. M.A. Ph.D. (Author)
September 1, 2011  0764146688  978-0764146688 4

A multi-part model exam plus many shorter tests in each of this book's chapters will give nursing school applicants orientation and preparation before they take an actual nursing school entrance exam. Though entrance exams vary from one school to another, this manual offers comprehensive coverage of virtually all possible test topics. The book presents a detailed description of the nursing profession, its duties, responsibilities, and career satisfactions. A self-assessment questionnaire that follows will help readers decide if nursing is the right career choice for them. Also provided are strategies designed to improve test-takers' study skills and reasoning ability, as well as a subject review that covers verbal skill-building, reading comprehension, math, and science.